It’s 1984, the drones are everywhere. Flying above gunning down the last remaining humans. Prowling on the ground crunching over piles of human skulls. …
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Color, Clarity, and Chris Pratt courtesy of the Samsung 4K SUHD TV and Best Buy ~ #SUHDatBestBuy
by Heatherby HeatherThis isn’t a plug for Jurassic World, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. You’ll see why in a bit. I love Jurassic Park. …
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Fast into the Future with the AMD FX APU – HP Envy TouchSmart Laptop from Best Buy
by Heatherby HeatherThe Apollo spacecraft. It was the vehicle that landed on the moon. The pinnacle of modern technology. But here’s the thing about modern technology, …
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Getting to Know Cortana on My Nokia Lumia 830 #LumiaSwitch #TeamRevolt
by Heatherby HeatherI knew the name sounded familiar. I mean, I can place a name with a face like no one else. So I knew it …