Why has Jeni been MIA from Ninja?

by Karen Hand

Do I owe you all a big apology!  Recently I jumped ship, went MIA, went total Ninja and disappeared into the night; okay, so no, none of that cool stuff happened, but what did happen is that I vanished from this blog for a bit of a time.  What also happened is I went poof and didn’t give you all any notice.  For that, I’m truly sorry.  So, what happened to me?  Here’s the not-so-exciting story.

Being a homeowner, I am learning that I have homeowner-type things that need to get done.  Well, this thing needing to be done was to clean and stain my fence.  My very kind family (read my aunts) pitched in and paid for the supplies and even donated their time.  Little did I know how long this “little” project was going to take.  By the time I was done working on it each day I was too tired to even check email.  After a couple of weeks my fence was finally done and yes, it looks great.  It was quite a bit of work though.

Next came some winterizing as living in Wisconsin one can never tell when the snow will fly.  Finally, I was given a great opportunity to spend some excellent and much-needed quality time with family recently.  This time consisted of a road trip from Wisconsin to Rhode Island with my mom and aunt, and of course Toby too.  We went to visit my other aunt and their sister who lives in Rhode Island.

I should have popped on at the beginning of my fence project and given you all a heads-up to my impending absence.  I did honestly think I would have been able to manage staining and blogging, but as we all can see now I did not.  I promise that should I foresee an absence in the future, I will let you know.

Thanks for hanging in here with me.  I’ll be posting giveaways, deals, and all sorts of goodies very soon.


M.Clark October 14, 2013 - 9:20 pm
Thank you for the update Jeni, congrats on completing your DIY home improvement projects, it's great to have you back!!
Jeni Mitchell October 15, 2013 - 4:06 pm
Thank you so much and thanks for your understanding.
Elizabeth October 15, 2013 - 3:00 am
It seems like DIY projects always take longer than expected. Congratulations on finishing the stain on your fence! It sounds like your trip was a well-deserved getaway. :)
Jeni Mitchell October 15, 2013 - 4:05 pm
Thanks Elizabeth. I'm a fairly new homeowner still, just a little over two years. This fence was really my first big undertaking. I've heard you never really get "used" to all that needs to be done, but that is all is a labor of love.
lisa October 15, 2013 - 11:46 am
Trust me, the work never ends. My darling hubby decided to totally gut an upstairs room down to the skeleton. By hand, by himself. He took care of wiring, insulation... Now it's time to put walls up. Drywall is heavy! I've had to help him carry it up. Next time he has a d.i.y project, he'd better!
Jeni Mitchell October 15, 2013 - 4:06 pm
Goodness Lisa. Sounds like an exercise plan that you didn't sign up for. Hope the room turns out nice.
cottagebunny October 17, 2013 - 11:20 pm
I'm glad to hear that your aunts came through for you.Sometimes we just take on too much and get in too deep.I bet your fence is down-right beautiful though and also happy you got away for awhile.Good for you.It was well deserved.
Jeni Mitchell October 20, 2013 - 1:06 pm
The fence is looking good. Doing it the proper way too, I'm hoping to not have to do it again for at least five years.
Evelyn Chuter (@EveChuter) October 18, 2013 - 8:27 pm
I missed Pink Ninja Blogger, so welcome back! Glad to hear you got some DIY done. Hope you enjoyed your visit to New Jersy. I have family there too.
tiffany dover October 20, 2013 - 12:33 am
No worries girlie! We all have things that pop up and forget to tell at least one person about it! And now that you mention it, I definitely need to stain our fence too....We have a large one in our backyard so I see it taking a long time :(
Jeni Mitchell October 20, 2013 - 1:04 pm
Good luck with your fence Tiffany. We used a great cleaning product that hooked right up to the hose. No scrubbing. It's called Mold Armor Deck Wash. Hook it up to the hose, spray the fence, wait 10 mins, and then rinse off. It's GREAT! It comes in a refill size too so you can save money by pouring into the smaller bottle hooked up to the hose. Good luck.
Sandy Cain October 20, 2013 - 9:11 am
Well, Jeni, it's so good to have you back! It must be a relief to have the fence and other projects done, and how nice to have family that helps you! Even with all the work and aggravation that goes into owning and maintaining a home - you are very lucky and blessed. I live in an apartment, have always lived in an apartment, and would LOVE to live in my own home. I always have the vague sort of idea that people who own homes are rich - that's probably not so - but I would love to even have a square foot of land that I could call my own and plant a flower, and a tomato plant. We have a terrace, but it faces northwest, and we only get sun for about 15 minutes late in the day. Okay, enough whining here!! LOL! Just nice to see you back. ((((HUGS))))
Jeni Mitchell October 20, 2013 - 1:00 pm
Sandy, you're right, to a point, about people who live in homes being rich...I'm rich in how I'm loved by my family. For years I too was the never-ending apartment dweller. I was going to be the very last person to ever own a home. Then one day, my home came on the market and timing and other factors were just right. Don't give up hope. A thought on having some land for yourself, check in your town and see if they have a community garden. The other thing would be to go outside of town a bit and ask a farmer or just anyone with land who gardens themselves if you could possibly plant something yourself and tend it yourself. We have a large Hmong population here and my aunts live in the country and do this. Every year they have designated areas of their land that they allow people to come and garden on. It's a win-win. Their land stays healthy and the people tending it reap the benefits of their gardening efforts. Thanks for welcoming me back. I truly have missed you all.
Lisa K October 21, 2013 - 10:08 pm
Well sometimes you need to take a time out anyway. Too bad it wasn't to just relax. I have a lot of those needed home improvements that need to be done too. Remodeling the main bathroom for one and I admit I could use a new fence myself. You are forgiven :)
lisa November 9, 2013 - 2:09 pm
Now it's time to start raking the leaves. I would kind of like to go back to apartment living. Nothing to maintain.
Stephen January 19, 2014 - 3:44 pm
Have you left again?

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