Do I owe you all a big apology! Recently I jumped ship, went MIA, went total Ninja and disappeared into the night; okay, so no, none of that cool stuff happened, but what did happen is that I vanished from this blog for a bit of a time. What also happened is I went poof and didn’t give you all any notice. For that, I’m truly sorry. So, what happened to me? Here’s the not-so-exciting story.
Being a homeowner, I am learning that I have homeowner-type things that need to get done. Well, this thing needing to be done was to clean and stain my fence. My very kind family (read my aunts) pitched in and paid for the supplies and even donated their time. Little did I know how long this “little” project was going to take. By the time I was done working on it each day I was too tired to even check email. After a couple of weeks my fence was finally done and yes, it looks great. It was quite a bit of work though.
Next came some winterizing as living in Wisconsin one can never tell when the snow will fly. Finally, I was given a great opportunity to spend some excellent and much-needed quality time with family recently. This time consisted of a road trip from Wisconsin to Rhode Island with my mom and aunt, and of course Toby too. We went to visit my other aunt and their sister who lives in Rhode Island.
I should have popped on at the beginning of my fence project and given you all a heads-up to my impending absence. I did honestly think I would have been able to manage staining and blogging, but as we all can see now I did not. I promise that should I foresee an absence in the future, I will let you know.
Thanks for hanging in here with me. I’ll be posting giveaways, deals, and all sorts of goodies very soon.