Tomodachi Life Nintendo DS Game Available at @BestBuy #NintendoatBestBuy

by Heather

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I admit that I’m not a huge gamer. That’s the hubby’s department. Bioshock, Halo, World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Everquest. He’s played them all. Thankfully he drew the line at Grand Theft Auto, so I didn’t have to. My games are a little more casual. The occasional Mario Kart or Super Mario 3D World is just fine for me. I never really got into anything more time-consuming like “The Sims” (or “The Sims 2”, or “The Sims 3” or “The Sims 37”).

So when I received a copy of Tomodachi Life for Nintendo DS it was with a bit of trepidation. First off, I had to borrow a DS from my niece. Second, would it totally draw me in and suck up all my time like World of Warcraft did to the hubby? Yeah, I was a WoW Widow for a while.

I have to admit that I am now hooked, but not obsessively so. The game is a fun little diversion for me. The goal is to populate your island with little avatars, make them happy and build out your island. Along the way you earn money which lets you buy all the stuff your little avatars need. Set them up in a little apartment, help them fall in love and get married. If there was one downside to the game, it would be the little mini-adventure game in the amusement park. I mostly found it tedious.

The only other downside? Now I’m going to have to get my own Nintendo DS to keep playing the game BUT Best Buy can help! Right now I am able to pick up a 2DS which plays all 3DS and DS games. The 2DS will also take videos and pictures! A gaming system that starts out at $129.99 with an awesome sale coming up is a serious WIN! Check out the details below.

Current HOT OFFERS at Best Buy

Offer 1: August 29, 2014 through September 1, 2014 (4 Day Labor Day Sale) – ONLINE ONLY – Save $30 when you buy the Nintendo 2DS System for only $99.99 versus the regular price of $129.99

Offer 2: August 31, 2014 – ONLINE ONLY – Select 3DS games shown below:

Save $5 Making Music Videos – write songs and watch your Mii’s perform your creations. Did you know they wear goofy outfits onstage?

Create Mii’s of your favorite celebrities – anyone can show up on your Tomodachi Life Island.

Favorite/Least Favorite Foods – discover and feed your Mii’s what they love or what they hate…and watch the hilarious results.

Get Married and Have Kids – start a family in Tomodachi Life and experience your child growing up, walking for the first time, and maybe move off the island?!?!?!

Personalities and Voices – not only can your create Mii’s that look like you and your friends, but you can also give them their own voice and personalities.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your keys and head to Best Buy to pick up a Nintendo 2DS System and Tomodachi Life!

Disclaimer: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

1 comment

Linda Manns Linneman July 21, 2015 - 3:12 pm
This sounds like a fun game to play. I have never played any video games but this sounds like it might be fun. Thank you so much for sharing

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