Walt Disney Animation Studios’ (WDAS) comedy-adventure, “Zootopia” has broken records worldwide earning more than $900 million at the global box office to date. …
- DisneyEntertainmentMovies
ZOOTOPIA ~ Movie Review & Bonus “How To Draw” Clips #Zootopia
by Heatherby HeatherZootopia It’s a world without people. It’s a world where animals wear clothes. It’s a world where predator and prey have evolved and get …
- DisneyEntertainmentMovies
ZOOTOPIA – Coloring Sheets + New Clips Now Available!!! #Zootopia
by Heatherby HeatherZootopia! The event is in progress and the movie hits theaters in 12 days!! ZOOTOPIA IS COMING TO THEATERS! In celebration of …
- DisneyEntertainmentMovies
Watch: NEW Music Video for Shakira’s “Try Everything,” An All-New Original Song from ZOOTOPIA!!! #Zootopia
by Heatherby HeatherI don’t know about you but I’ve been excited about the Walt Disney Studios movies that will be hitting the big screen since we …
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