Tackling Spring Cleaning with Target

by Heather

Spring Cleaning with Target

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Lysol®, Finish®, Woolite®, and Air Wick®. The opinions and text are all mine.

Ahh, spring is in the air. Time for some spring cleaning right? Right. Although I do kind of wonder, why isn’t it “fall cleaning?” I mean, you’re about to button up your house for the winter, wouldn’t you want it to be super clean before that? Then spring cleaning could consist of opening the windows. Now that would be awesome. Not that I have ever done that for my spring cleaning. Nope, not me.

Regardless, spring is seen as the time of renewal, so it makes some sense to go through and clean up a bit. And by “a bit” I mean move all the furniture and collect all the crayons, pencils, pens, gummi bears, toy cars, Lego pieces, and whatever change you can manage to find ($32.47 last year for me).

For me this year is a little different however. Our spring cleaning came a little early since we sold our house and are living with family temporarily until we move into our new home. So by “a little different” I really mean we are spring cleaning three times. We had to clean out our old house, clean up quite a bit at our temporary digs, and when we move again into our forever home, we will have to clean all over again (as well as paint).


So needless to say we have been going through some cleaning products. Luckily Target is going to have us covered. Have I mentioned that I kind of love Target. Not only do they have all the stuff that I am going to need for my soon to be new home. Things like new towels and baskets and some organizational items. But they also have all the cleaning products that I’m going to need, like Woolite and Lysol.

Part of my spring cleaning regimen is clearing out the closets and seeing what goes and what stays. That was even more important this year (see above point about moving multiple times). Now my closet wasn’t huge. It held a lot since the hubby reconfigured it a few years ago, but my space was at a premium. That meant lots of laundry as we got everything packed up to store. All my work clothes, all the hubby’s work clothes, you get the point. Clothes that need to stay in good shape. And that is compounded by the fact that we are living on a reduced wardrobe since so much of our stuff is packed up, and will stay packed up for a couple months. The work clothes that aren’t packed up need to stay in good shape, which is why I trust Woolite. And right now at Target you can get a $5 Target gift card when you buy any 2 Woolite 100oz bottles (until April 8th). And if you have Cartwheel (and if you shop at Target, I know you have Cartwheel) you can also take 5% off all Woolite products (available 4/2 thru 4/9).


The other big part of my spring cleaning this year (times 3) is obviously, cleaning. I know I’m not living there anymore, but I don’t want the people moving into our house to inherit a gross house. I mean, it wasn’t gross when I lived there, but things accumulate in corners and under things that you don’t normally notice. We used Lysol to clean the heck out of our toilets, Lysol spray to make sure the kitchen was spotless, and we even used it to spray down our mattress before we bagged it up to go into storage.

So I don’t know about you, but my spring cleaning isn’t over yet. I am safely ensconced with family for a couple months until we move into our new home, at which point I will have to do the spring cleaning all over again.


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