Share Some Cheerios with the Ones You Love

by Erik

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written in collaboration with Acorn and Cheerios

cheeriosDo you remember eating Cheerios as a kid? I do. I don’t mean as a baby, although I’m sure I received my fair share in a snacky cup or at a high chair. But I have distinct memories of sitting at the round table in my kitchen eating Cheerios on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons (remember those?). I may have put a spoonful of sugar on them (or three or four), I was a kid after all, I did that with everything. Well, not with roast beef or sandwiches, mainly I just mean breakfast cereal. Sugar on roast beef or a bologna sandwich would be gross.


I even remember (yes, this is going to date me, hush) when Honey Nut Cheerios came out. That first Saturday morning and “Oh my gosh” how horrible they tasted. What?? Relax, read on.

My mother calmly looked over at me and said “try them without putting sugar on them.” So, I did, and I was in love, with Honey Nut Cheerios.

Sadly, Saturday morning cartoons and Schoolhouse Rock are no more, but my love affair with Cheerios continues to this day (and I have Schoolhouse Rock on DVD). And I have shared that love of this delicious memory making cereal with my daughter. Even at seven years old, it’s still one of our go to snacks. The wife is constantly telling us to pick up the strays that we drop on the couch (the dogs get the ones that drop on the floor). But whether they’re in a bowl with milk at breakfast or eating them out of a box on the couch (after she has washed her hands. Ok, after we have washed our hands). Cheerios are something we love and we love to share.

Who do you love to share Cheerios with? Or maybe I should say, who would you love to share some Cheerios with?


Linda Manns Linneman July 24, 2017 - 10:49 am
Cheerios has been a staple in our house for many years. I had them in my home when my children were little and then for my grandchildren. These also make a great snack or meal for the adults. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless
Margot C July 24, 2017 - 10:55 pm
Sometimes I think that we live on Cheerios around here. I buy giant boxes that come in sets of 2!
Armando Rincon September 25, 2017 - 3:57 pm
I really miss cheerios they stop selling it a long time ago where I live.

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