SAY What: Check it out a kids clothing club!

by Jenn

kids clothing clubOkay, so this I totally had to share.  I just love this, and think I am going to join myself.  I’m always buying my kidos something new, they just grow so fast.  I had no idea there was such a think as a kids clothing club!  Did you?  Either way it’s an awesome idea, if you’re like me I am sure you are always buying an outfit for someone.  What an awesome way to get super cute clothing that isn’t like what everyone in your town is wearing.  I live in a small town, the one thing that bothers me the most is the lack of places to shop for my kids.  I mean we have a few places, but they either cost way to much, or everyone shops there.  When means every single darn time I think my kids look super cute, guess what.  You know it, I see another kid with the same shirt, shoes, skirt!  It doesn’t matter how hard I try, if I don’t shop online it happens.

Which is why I am so excited about this offer!  It’s a website called Wittlebee!  They’re a kids clothing club that allows you to save and have your kids looking awesome!  I was checking out their website, and have to say I was impressed!

Wittlebee wants to keep kids stocked up with awesome cloths by making custom packages for their members!  Sounds fun right?  Wondering how they come up with the custom packages?  They create the custom packages by the child’s age, color preferences, geographic location and more.
To make things even better right now they have some smoking deals!  Check out these fabulous promotional code to get you started!
Special “$10.00 off Promotion” Code consumers can enter pre-purchase: “SAVE10!  Get $10 off one’s first box Usage: New customers only Expiration: No planned promotional expiration.  
Hurry over and check out Wittlebee Here!


Nicole Becker April 29, 2013 - 12:06 am
I have a 2 year old granddaughter and I buy alot of Carter's clothes for her and I always seem to see some other kid with the same outfit on!! UGH!! So, I love this idea!!
Jo-Ann Brightman June 29, 2013 - 4:32 pm
This is a wonderful idea for someone who want their kids to look cute, but different and not like all other kids.

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