Save $ Getting Rid Of Your Aches & Pains

by Karen Hand

Getting rid of your aches and pains shouldn’t cause a headache.  Next time you go to buy Aleve, you can save $2.00.  Here’s the details:


Simply click on the picture to print a coupon good for $2.00 Off any Aleve 40ct or larger (Excludes Aleve-D Products).


md kennedy August 13, 2013 - 7:18 am
I've actually never tried Aleve - I usually head for ibuprofen when I have pain. But with this coupon I will give it a try!
Jeni Mitchell August 13, 2013 - 10:15 am
Perhaps tie to coupon in with a sale for an even better deal. I don't know if you do the rewards at Walgreens, but I know they put Aleve on sale from time to time and even offer points on it. One of those times would be a great time to pick it up with the coupon. I don't know about you, but I'm all about getting the most for my money.
lisa August 17, 2013 - 1:59 pm
I haven't tried Aleve. I like the idea of pairing the coupon with a sale. Especially since I do shop at Walgreen.

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