Pete’s Dragon ~ Movie Review #PetesDragon

by Erik

I have to admit that I never saw Pete’s Dragon. I mean Pete’s Dragon, not Pete’s Dragon. Obviously I saw Pete’s Dragon or I wouldn’t be writing this. Since I never saw Pete’s Dragon I’m not going to try and compare the two, I’m just going to talk about Pete’s Dragon.

Pete's Dragon

Let’s start off with a warning. If you have sensitive little ones, parts of this movie may be too much for them. We took my daughter and our nephew. He has been raised on a steady diet of watching scary movies and had no problem. Our daughter was crying and in my lap during a couple intense scenes. One of these scenes comes at the very beginning of the movie. So, scary bits aside. How was it?

In a word, AWESOME.

Pete’s Dragon is a lovable “boy and his dog” type of movie. The only difference is that the “dog” is a giant green dragon that can fly. And lives in the woods. Did I mention that he is a dragon? When Pete wanders in to the woods as a young boy Elliott (the dragon) finds him and takes care of him. There is no “making you wait 3 hours” to see the dragon because this isn’t some suspense based thriller. This movie is about the love that Pete and Elliott have for each other and you will feel that.

Oakes Fegley is Pete in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the story of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

I have to admit that as soon as I saw Elliott I immediately thought of one of my dogs (the dopey one). That however is a very good thing, because it served to lighten up the tragic beginning and make it immediately relatable to anyone that loves their pet like a family member. And just like a family dog that tries to protect you, so does Elliott when he senses Pete needs him.

I laughed, I cried, I cheered. I rocked my daughter as she cried in my lap. It was a good movie. I’m going back.


Get your kids ready for the movie before leaving for the theater!

Check out our fun !

and a little more fun before you go!

“Bryce Dallas How-To” with Bryce Dallas Howard – Dragon Cupcakes!

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PETE’S DRAGON flies into theaters everywhere on August 12th!

Disclaimer: I received complimentary entry to a pre-screening of PETE’S DRAGON to facilitate this review. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still my own. Photos and video courtesy of Walt Disney Studios.


Arlene mcc August 12, 2016 - 11:59 am
it,s good to cry,let u know u have a warm heart
umayalreadybeawinner August 13, 2016 - 3:04 pm
I would love to see this movie, it's nice to have a movie out there without so much violence
Olivine Eyes August 18, 2016 - 2:28 pm
Dragons can have fur, feathers, fins etc. not just scales. Why? Because dragons are awesome!
Carolyn Massey August 25, 2016 - 8:19 am
This sounds like a movie my great grand daughter would love to see. I also cry at heart warming movies. Thanks for the review.

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