Diapers and wipes can get costly, saving money is important to most of us parents. Think about it, if you save a $1 or $2 every time you stop to buy diapers and wipes it amounts to a lot. Let’s say you stop for diapers twice a month and save $2. That might just be $4 a month, but over the course of the year its $48 a year that your saving on diapers and wipes… I’m sure most of you are like me and stop more than that, it is just an example of how much you can save if you shop with a money saving coupon.
I have some good news for you. Right now you can save $2 on Huggies Diapers and Wipes, gotta love that right!
Print coupon for $2 off Huggies Diapers (17-ct. or larger) AND Wipes (56-ct. or larger) from Target. Click Here