Essential Oils ~ An Introduction to Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil

by Heather

Essential Oils.

Do you use them? Are you a loyal oil user? Do you really think they work?

Like everyone else, I hear about essentials all the time. They are mentioned in television programming, all over the internet, discussed by my friends on Facebook, and my sister recently started using them. From everything that I have read and heard, my understanding is that they are absolutely amazing, life changing, and that once you start using oils you will never stop. I have to be honest in saying that I never believed any of this. I thought it was all a bunch of mumbo jumbo and a fad that would fade but … they are still all the rage. So maybe there is something to all of the claims of awesomeness? Hmm… maybe.

Nature's Own Essence Collage

Since I am open to new things and like forming opinions of my own, I think that is what bloggers do, I jumped when I was recently given the chance to have a formal introduction to essential oils. More specifically, I was introduced to Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil from Nature’s Own Essence. When the package arrived I opened it, pulled the two cute little bottles out, raised my eyebrow questioning their effectiveness, and then quickly set them aside. Over the next few days I randomly cruised by, picked up a bottle, and read what it was supposed to be useful for, and then quickly set the bottle back down and went on with my day. I had absolutely no idea how or when I was going to use the products but I knew eventually I need to since I agreed to do a review and all. It’s funny how easily or quick we are to develop or create biased when we have no idea what we are talking about. (See, even I am able to admit that I am flawed.)



Fast forward a few days. It is spring and I live in Cincinnati. If you aren’t familiar with the area, what that means is seasonal allergies are on the rise and area residents are the subject of their attack. In other words, I have been living with daily headaches, sneezing, cough, sort throat … you name it and I have it. The headaches are the absolute worst. Then, the other day, it got to the point that I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I had taken headache medication (more than the recommended dosage), tried a hot shower, tried a cold rag on my head, and even took my allergy medicine but the headache wasn’t budging. I was desperate. Tears were streaming down my face and I knew that I had to find some relief and soon or it was likely that I was going to be ill. Suddenly, the bottle of Peppermint Oil popped into my head. I wasn’t certain but I thought I had read it could be used to battle headaches. I ran to the bathroom, praying along the way, grabbed the bottle and almost kissed it when the word headache came into view. I opened the bottle, moved it around until a big drop came out, and then proceeded to rub it all over my forehead, down my nose, and around my temples.

I returned to the couch, grabbed a pillow, and decided it was time to relax and see if the essential oils would help. Within minutes my eyes were watering because the oils were so strong they were burning them. I proceeded to rub my eyes to stop the watering and as I was doing so, I remembered that I didn’t wash my hands after applying the oil. Yeah, add stinging eyes to a massive headache … not good. I jumped on Facebook and found a friend that is a frequent oil user. First, she informed me that I should always wash my hands after applying oils. She then explained that when it comes to oils, less is definitely more. Lesson learned. Then, it occurred to me, the headache was gone. Wait, was it? Okay, there was a small reminder of it that was fading away but for all intents and purposes, the headache was GONE. Less than thirty minutes and two burning eyes later, I was back in business and ready to continue my day.

Yeah, I am totally sold. ES 4 LIFE! Ahem… I mean, I will and have continued to use my essential oils ever since. I may or may not even open the bottle and inhale deeply when I feel a headache coming on. Needless to say, I still live in Cincinnati, it is still allergy season, and I have been using my Peppermint Oil at least once a day. I love this stuff!

So we know peppermint oil is magical when it comes to headaches but, is it useful for anything else? One of the neat things that I have learned about peppermint oil is that it is suitable for oral and topical uses. I don’t know why but I just assumed it should be used topically only. Then I started reading more and it all makes perfect sense.

Benefits of Peppermint Oil

  • Reduces stomach aches
  • Reduces hunger cravings
  • Sinus relief
  • Allergy relief
  • Fever reducer
  • Natural bug repellant
  • Freshens breath
  • Improves mental focus
  • Clears respiratory tract
  • Boosts energy
  • Releases tight muscles

The list goes on and on but these are just a few ways that peppermint oil can be introduced and incorporated into our daily lives in a positive way. I don’t’ know about you but if I could reduce the number of medications that I am taking by simply applying a dab of peppermint oil here and there … I am all in. Not only is this treatment plan more cost effective, it is also healthier and as the momma of a growing little girl both are extremely important.



So that was it, once I tried the Peppermint Oil I was no longer on the fence and decided that I was willing, actually more than willing, to give essential oils a chance. Next up was my Nature’s Own Essence Lavender Oil. Lavender is the most used and versatile of all essential oils. Going in I already knew that lavender is used to calm and relax the body and that is why many of us use it on our bedclothes, in diffusers in our homes, and when bathing little ones at night.

There has been a great deal of turmoil in my personal life recently so something that is able to calm and relax is right up my alley. The other night it felt as though everything was coming to a head. It was one of those nights where if one more bad thing happened or even thought about happening I just knew that it was going to break the camel’s back. I was on my laptop trying to work and I couldn’t focus. I was frustrated and down. I couldn’t figure out how to make things better and it was only 8:00 PM so it was too early for bed, I had to find another solution. Lavender Oil!

I applied a little lavender oil to my temples and ran a little over my head since a headache was starting to come on. I then bent over, allowing my hair to slide away from my neck, and dabbed at my neck as well. I closed my computer, sat down on the couch, closed my eyes, and inhaled. I didn’t get any work done that night but when I went to bed I felt ready to sleep. I wasn’t feeling as anxious as normal and I actually slept through the night. This isn’t normal for me, normally I am up at least once and spend part of the night tossing, turning, and checking the alarm clock. What I am saying is that night I went to bed and woke up when the alarm went off. It was heavenly! I have been trying to remember to use the oil nightly and have only forgotten a couple of times. There was even one night when I was so worried about forgetting that I applied it early and fell asleep typing. I think lavender oil has been added to my favorites list of friends. Whoa!

Benefits of Lavender Oil

  • Reduces anxiety and emotional stress
  • Heals burns and wounds
  • Improves sleep
  • Restores skin complexion and reduces acne
  • Slows aging with powerful antioxidants
  • Improves eczema and psoriasis
  • Alleviates nausea or motion sickness
  • Alleviates headaches
  • Treats minor burns
  • Treats insect bites and bee stings
  • Treats cuts

Like peppermint oil, the list of benefits associated with lavender oil goes on and on. AND lavender oil is suitable for oral and topical uses as well. Hello, can you say water, tea, and cookies! You’re welcome.

Once again, an essential oil may prove to be a healthier and cheaper way to battle discomforts that are part of our everyday lives and I plan on learning a great deal more so I can utilize my oils to the best of my abilities. All of the websites that I have visited to learn more about the uses of essential oils contain recipes, if you will, for mixing different essential oils to treat different events/ailments. I am still a novice so I will stick with using one oil at a time for the time being but wow … what a difference a couple of weeks have made.

My daughter is working on becoming acquainted with the strong scent of the oils. As soon as I put them on I just wait for her to say, “What is that smell?” Now I sort of giggle in anticipation as I wait for her to ask. This may be the one drawback to using oils as I don’t think she finds the scents pleasant but me on the other hand, I actually like them. My husband really likes the peppermint oil but said he could take or leave the lavender oil. Even cooler, I was actually able to convince my husband to try peppermint oil the other night when he was suffering from an allergy headache. He never fully admitted that they helped but he was back to himself within about 20 minutes. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own.


Linda Manns Linneman April 17, 2015 - 9:43 am
I have used lavender oil in the past and I am excited to try the peppermint. I do have allergies and I do get upset stomach often. Thank you so much for sharing this product with us
lisa April 17, 2015 - 1:20 pm
I would try the peppermint. I can't stand the smell of lavender. I just won a prize package full of lavender scented products. I'd love to try them but I cant because of the smell.
micheleash1961 April 18, 2015 - 12:37 am
LOL! You make me laugh and smile every single time I read your reviews! I also enjoy reading your reviews as well! I have had a bottle of lavender oil sitting in my bedroom for umm several weeks and I've been afraid to try it! I guess since you got over your wonderment about it, I should too! I would love to try the peppermint oil as well! I have heard, just like you, all over the place about using essential oils for aches and pains, headaches, relaxation, and so much more! I'm in a giveaway for tree oil (have no idea what it's used for) and I don't have any high expectations of being the winner (Lady luck has not liked me too much lately). But, anyway, since you were the big brave tester, I will follow suit and test out the lavender oil that has been sitting! Thanks so much for sharing the Fantastic Review, the pictures, and all the personal & professional information on Essential Oils ~ An Introduction to Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil with all of us! Thanks for giving me a laugh or two tonight, I really needed that! Thanks again for everything! Michele :)
Heidi Salisbury April 30, 2015 - 7:46 pm
Just getting familiar with essential oils. Thanks for sharing.
Meghan Castillo May 18, 2015 - 6:20 pm
I have yet to try these oils but have heard great things.
lisa June 16, 2015 - 1:49 pm
I have only used oils for candle making and with a diffuser. I haven't tried them for anything else.
lisa July 11, 2015 - 1:23 pm
I'm skeptical. I'm not sure how much of it hype or if the scent of oils can cure or calm. I think if a person believes it to be true, for them it is.
Heather Pfingsten July 11, 2015 - 11:26 pm
You may be right. All that I know is when I have a headache, I apply a little Peppermint Oil and I swear it helps. Maybe it is all in my head. I have no idea but I am okay with that! lol

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