EatSmart Precision Voyager Digital Luggage Scale #Review

by Heather

ES-logoMY TAKE –

I would have really liked to have been using this in preparation for a vacation to someplace with a beach; however, it still came in handy, nonetheless, for a trip for work. I am a notorious heavy packer. I never know what exactly I am going to wear when I go out of town so I save time and make things easier on myself by bringing everything in my closet; okay, I embellish a bit, I bring a number of options to make sure I have everything that I may need. This over preparedness then results in heavy bags and overage charges. UGH! OVERAGE CHARGES (that I have to pay for myself)!!! My husband and I have tried many, many times to figure out if our bags are too heavy for travel. I have tried to use the scale that I weigh myself on but that never goes well and the bag normally falls off and results in a sore toe. I have tried lifting my dog in one arm and my bag in another to compare weight and that just isn’t accurate. That also results in an unhappy puppy; I can’t say that I blame him when I try to hold him under one arm and a giant bag in the other.

Now, I will no long have to guess the weight of my luggage or use my puppy in place of a scale thanks to the EatSmart Precision Voyager Digital Luggage Scale! As soon as I was all packed and ready for my trip I pulled out the scale became determine to learn how it worked. Within seconds I figured out that if I pulled the tab on the scale that would turn the battery on. The screen is clear and easy to see, an added bonus when accuracy is of the utmost importance. The scale also turns on and off easily. The scale is small which allows you to place it in your carry on bag for easy weighing before heading home with knickknacks and t-shirts. Did I mention that it can hold up to 110 pounds? I have tried a number of other scales and most are heavy and just as bulky as the bag being weighed; the Precision Voyager Digital Luggage Scale is the direct opposite.

I recommend this scale to any traveler so they never risk over charges again. I think I should go book my next trip, a trip to the beach, just so I can make sure the scale still works and is just as accurate as the airport’s scale; ya know, help them out by making sure both scales match-up.

Do you risk overage charges every time you travel? Either way, happy traveling!

For additional details or to pick up a Precision Voyager Digital Luggage Scale please click HERE.


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