Easy@Home branded 100 Ovulation (LH) and 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Tests Review #EZ100_20

by Heather

a315011da0fa62ea9e56754973595a06fff438b5I have been with my husband for fourteen years. We discussed having children early in our relationship and agreed that three was the perfect number for us. Here we are, fourteen years later, and we have a five year old. Needless to say, our wants did not match up with our reality.

We have tried, actively, to get pregnant for years but the stars never aligned and we simply gave up. In all honesty, our daughter was a huge shocker and surprise. We had given up all hope that I was able to conceive and then we took a test and it came back positive. It is funny how life works sometimes. Do you have any idea how many men and women struggle when it comes to conception? That is a talk for a completely different day but the numbers are staggering.

So where was I? Oh yes, we wanted to have three children! While I am in my early thirties, my husband is in his early forties. As my daughter inched up to age three, we decided it was time to have a baby. No luck. When she turned four we agreed that it was a must, it was the perfect time to get pregnant. Nothing. Right before she turned five we decided that our time was running out! As my husband put it, he does not want to have gray hair, a walker, and a thirteen year old running circles around him. Seems legit. This time, we decided it was time to reach out for a little help. So why have we not done this before? I have always been of the mind that if it was meant to be … it would be. And I never wanted to invest a great deal of money into getting pregnant for a second time, for the mere reason that we cannot afford it. I decided that if we were only meant to be blessed with one then that was that. Then, my biological clock started ticking and I changed my mind. Hey! Women are allowed to change their mind …. don’t roll your eyes!

So, we sought medical treatment and I have been placed on medication to help us conceive and my husband has upped certain vitamins to help his boys swim. The doctor recommended that we try to track our ovulation and test frequently. I remember sitting in the examination room shaking my head violently in agreement and watching my husband’s eyes get as big as saucers. If I could have reached him, I would have kicked him. As we were leaving, I asked him what his problem was and he reminded me how expensive pregnancy tests are. He said he could only imagine how expensive ovulation kits would be and reminded me that this would more than likely not be a one-time purchase. My face may have looked confident and knowing but the knots in my stomach said otherwise.

I had no desire to buy stock in Walgreens to try to make up for our purchases. So, the handy dandy techno-geeks that we are, we went home and started researching our options.

Enter Easy@Home branded 100 Ovulation (LH) and 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Tests.

Our kit contained (100) individual Easy@Home Brand LH Ovulation Test Strips + (20) individual Easy@Home Brand hCG Pregnancy Test Strips. I can’t even begin to explain how thankful we were to find a kit that had so many individual tests. As anyone that is or has attempted to conceive knows, it can be a lengthy process of trial, error, heartbreak, and hopefully happiness. My physician recommended that we try to be intimate every other day while trying to conceive. I remember laughing out loud in her office. As any parent of a toddler knows, little ones do not always like to stay asleep after they have gone to bed and this can make privacy and intimacy somewhat tricky. We certainly have not been able to maintain the “schedule.” The Ovulation Test Strips show a surge in my ovulation which allows us to squeeze in private time when needed and not sweat the nights when we are unable to be close. Even though I have regular cycles, I have learned that my ovulation is not as on schedule; this has been perfect for us.

The Easy@Home Ovulation Strips are the most reliable and reputable ovulation test on the market. All tests are FDA approved and over 99.8% accurate. They are easy to use and you will have results within five minutes. They provide the earliest detection and the greatest sensitivity level – 25 mIU/mL. The Ovulation Strips in your test kit are in blue packages and the directions for use are on blue paper.


As for the Pregnancy Tests, mine have come up negative so far but we still have a number of tests in our kit and hope to be pleasantly surprised before we run out. I would love to say they are horrible since our tests have come up negative thus far but clearly, that is not the fault of the test.

The Easy@Home Pregnancy Tests are FDA approved and over 99.8% accurate. They too are easy to use and are said to work 5 days before your missed period. They provide the earliest detection and the greatest sensitivity level – 25 mIU/mL. The Pregnancy Tests in your kit are in pink packages and the directions for use are on pink paper.

27312a0de9ba9335d32d3667b42ce74c800b610dOverall, we highly recommend this product to anyone that is trying to conceive. Instead of running to the store and dropping money like it grows on trees, Easy@Home offers affordable, accurate testing products that will put your mind at ease during what can be a rather stressful process.


The LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which is in the urine of normal women will increase dramatically in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The LH increase triggers ovulation which is when the egg is released periodically from Normal fertile women. WHO experts state that LH testing is a reliable way to detect ovulation. Ovulation will occur after 24-48 hours following a positive test. One Step Ovulation Urine Test is a qualitative test used to predict when there is a LH surge, and in turn, when you are likely to ovulate.


Detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (“HCG”), which appears in urine very early in pregnancy. Regardless of the technical language, this test works just like most other pregnancy tests out there. It measures the levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your urine. This hormone is produced by the cells of the embryo that will later form the placenta. The level of HCG starts to increase from its basal level of less than 5 mIU/mL directly after implantation, and doubles about each 48 hours during the first weeks of pregnancy.


PURCHASE Easy@Home branded 100 Ovulation (LH) and 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Tests


Christina Strapp Lambert December 17, 2014 - 9:59 pm
I haven't tried these yet. I have been ttc baby number for almost 2 years now. Baby number 3 took a few years. I will have to check these out.
lindamanns January 1, 2015 - 7:51 am
It just amazes me at all these new testing kits they have come out with and you can do it from the comfort of your home. I wish you and your family the very best. God will bless you with another child in His timing. Thank you for sharing

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