Celebrating Candy Season with YumEarth Organics ~ #TreatsNotTricks

by Heather


Like most little kids, my daughter is all about candy … all the time. If we allowed it, there is no doubt in my mind that she would have candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And, I have to be honest in saying, who can blame her? Candy tastes amazing and adults love it too. To be quite honest, I’m not completely convinced that my husband doesn’t supply it as part of every meal when I am out of town traveling for business. I’m seriously considering a nanny cam but that’s a story for another day. The problem is, when it comes to a balanced diet, candy isn’t at the top of the pyramid or part of the plate or whatever contraption they are currently modeling our eating after. It can however be a PART Of a balanced diet. As momma always said, “Everything in moderation, everything!”

Unfortunately, we have reached that time of year where it is nearly impossible to convince my daughter that this is fact and not fiction as candy is EVERYWHERE. We walk into the grocery store and there is a huge display of CANDY. Turn on the television and there is a commercial about CANDY. Go to grandma’s house and the first thing she pulls out and offers to the kids is CANDY. Okay, grandma always offers candy but you get the idea. So what is a parent to do?

If I were my sister I would chuckle, shake my head, and remind my kids that we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to candy. I swear the chick is healthier than anyone else I know and I am almost convinced that she has some crazy magical powers, that weren’t passed down to me, that she uses on her kids to make them think candy is horrible. I kid, I kid … kinda. Then there is my house where we try to live by the moderation policy and we strive to make better choices about the candy that we are eating. Sure, a chocolate bar or two slip by here and there but overall, thanks to the introduction of YumEarth Organics, we ARE making better choices 95% percent of the time.

Halloween is just a hop, skip, and jump away and this year be will be passing out YumEarth Organics Organic Pops to the neighborhood kids in the hopes of introducing them to a new product that they will love. If you are passing candy this year what sweets or treats will your neighbors encounter?



YumEarth tastes better because we choose real fruit extracts and planet friendly ingredients grown on sustainable family farms to sweeten our lives and yours…and because we love spectacular flavor and hand craft all our flavors to make them all tart and bright and delicious!  

YumEarth treats are made with all-natural ingredients, no artificial colors or artificial dyes, no gluten, no peanuts, and no tree-nuts, just award winning taste. YumEarth organic lollipops and organic drops are kosher parve as well.

YumEarth specializes in Organic Pops, Gummy Bears & Worms, Fruit Snacks, Sour Beans, Vitamin C Pops, Freshest Fruit Drops, and Candy Drops.

Check out YumEarth, our family gives them double thumbs up and know that your littles ones will too!


Connect with YumEarth: Shop | Facebook | Twitter


Disclaimer: This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post are my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voiding my opinion of this product.


Linda Manns Linneman October 21, 2015 - 10:54 am
This is such a great option to give the kids. I love healthy treats. Thank you so much for sharing
lisa October 21, 2015 - 12:25 pm
When my kids were young, I hated bringing them into the store. They're smart. The stores do display candy at a childs eye level and it's everywhere. Back then there wasn't anything like this. I would have felt better about letting them eat some candy.
molli vandehey October 24, 2015 - 10:47 am
i love these. i have signed up with teal pumpkin to help kids who may not be able to eat tradsitional candy, find my house!
Shannon October 25, 2015 - 3:23 am
I love that these are available now, these are great healthy candy alternatives. Thank you for sharing.
Amber Ludwig November 12, 2015 - 6:49 pm
We love Yum Earth for being organic and allergy friendly!! How amazing!! Their candy is so delicious as well!! I don't feel as guilty as I would giving my son some of the other candy out there filled with dyes and fillers!!
lisa November 26, 2015 - 11:35 am
I don't really understand the whole organic candy thing. I don't know how it could be healthy.
Armando Rincon October 8, 2017 - 2:24 pm
they look tasty have to try though, thanks for the advice.

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