How Careful Are You On Twitter

by Jenn

Twitter is a great tool for you to use if you want to repair your company’s reputation, as you will find out if you read through the Twitter feed for It is a powerful social media tool that, despite limiting you to 144 characters, gives you the ability to contact all of your followers in mere seconds. You can connect with people quickly and efficiently, giving them information that they want. This has been used to spread the word about new sales or products, but it can also be used when your reputation is slipping and you want to fight back against it to make it strong once more.

Watch Your Own Posts
The first thing to do is to make sure that you never post anything that could be negative on your own Twitter. You want this to be professional. It represents your business. Many individual users may use the site for things that are decidedly unprofessional, but that is because they do not have a reputation to uphold. It does not matter if they anger or offend people. You never want to do anything that could be seen as offensive in any way, and so all of your posts – even the ones that clearly seem to be fine – should be screened by a number of people on your social media team before they are send out to the public.

Posts are Final
You have to remember that you can never take anything back on the Internet. Once you post it, it is there for good. Even if you delete the tweet just seconds later, someone could take a screen shot of it and post it on the Internet for all to see. You always need to assume that people are going to be able to read what you say forever, so it all needs to be very positive.

Respond to Critics
To repair your reputation, you can use your Twitter account to respond to people who are being critical of your company. For example, if you run a cable television company and there is a service outage, people are going to vent about it online. You should use this as a chance to tell them what progress has been made and to answer their questions. Show them that you are working on getting everything set up the right way.

You can also respond to people who may be saying unfounded negative things about your company. For instance, you might run a hotel that is getting a lot of negative comments about it on Twitter. However, some of the comments could be blatant lies. You can respond so that people who read the comments also see your responses that explain what happened. People will often complain about things that are their fault, not yours, and you need to point this out so that other people realize where the blame lies and take this into account when they are choosing a hotel for themselves – or any other business, for that matter.

Keep It Civil
While you do this, it is incredibly important not to take anything personally. You always need to keep your responses civil, even when other people are being angry and abusive. Maintain your composure. It is often good to have the whole team in on it, rather than just one person, so that you do not quickly and emotionally tweet something that you are going to regret in the future.

Remove Untrue Attacks
As mentioned, some of the attacks might be based on lies that people are telling for a variety of reasons. If so, you want to work with a company that can have those attacks removed from Twitter. It is unfair for your business to suffer because other users are telling lies. There is a lot that you can do to get these things taken down so that they do not impact business.


Wendy T November 10, 2013 - 6:35 pm
As always, good information and reminders here. Many people think it can't happen to them - but speaking from experience - it can.
Sandy Cain November 11, 2013 - 6:35 pm
Good point, that once you post something, it is graven in stone, even if you "delete" it. NOTHING is ever really deleted - not just a screen shot, but you'd be surprised how many people copy and paste for their reasons. Excellent post!
Elizabeth Matthiesen November 17, 2013 - 2:45 pm
good advice, people often forget that what's put out there on the web is out there for eternity. I've heard of people doing really idiotic things on FB too, not thinking that these things get around and can come back to bite you later.
Birdie Bee January 7, 2014 - 9:54 pm
Thank you for the tips. Could you possibly give some basic instructions on your blog in the future on how to tweet, etc.? I am not good on twitter and do not even have the basics down. Thank you!
Karen Hand January 11, 2014 - 8:03 pm
I'll see if we can't get those up for you Birdie.
Lesa January 12, 2014 - 1:23 am
Thanks for these insights, good things to know and think about. You really have to be careful and thoughtful!
artizzanne January 13, 2014 - 5:40 am
VERY good points, especially when you addressed the permanency of texts, once you say something, or text it, it's done, there's no way to get it back
md kennedy January 14, 2014 - 7:49 pm
Really good pointers - and we should all post them somewhere to make sure they are front-and-center when we are about to put anything on the web. Thanks for the reminder!
Marcia Lee January 16, 2014 - 11:01 pm
Thanks for the tips. May I quote the "Bambi" movie? If you don't have "nothin;" good to say, don't say "nothin'" at all!
Richard Hicks January 25, 2014 - 8:57 pm
All very good advice. You don't want something to come back and haunt you later!
pumpkinsfan76 January 31, 2014 - 3:43 am
All great tips. Thanks Jenn.
Elinor Semira February 1, 2014 - 12:59 am
i make sure that i don't post too personal status. thanks for the very helpful tips btw. ^^
Linda Manns Linneman August 5, 2015 - 1:42 pm
These are such great suggestions. I really enjoy using twitter. I think we need to be respectable to others no matter what site we are on. I don't believe in lowering myself to someone elses standards. Thank you so much for sharing

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