Advanced Probiotic from Number One Nutrition

by Heather

71Vb6luIyJL._SL1500_About a year ago, my gynecologist recommended that I add a probiotic to my daily regimen due to some female issues that I was having. Not to get too personal but I was suffering from frequent yeast infections and she hoped this would be a way to build a good offense instead of always being on the defense. I have been taking generic label probiotics (I’m not sure there is another kind) since she suggested them and *knock on wood* I have only had one infection since.

The more that I have looked into probiotics, the more I have learned about the health benefits of taking them. Seriously, this is something that doctors or gynecologists should introduce to their female patients and sooner rather than later. There should be advertisements in the doctor’s office right next to the pamphlets for monthly breast exams, STDs, bedwetting (don’t ask, it was there), aging … the list could go on and on. There are literally about 30 pamphlets in my gynecologist’s office versus the 5 or so at my doctor’s office. Hmm, maybe I should go into the pamphlet business. A pamphlet on probiotics may be the perfect untapped goldmine that I have been waiting for. What am I doing wasting my time writing this post when I could be out there making millions …

I think I may have gotten a little off track.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, probiotics. Since my gynecologist’s recommendation I have done a great deal of research and have to say that I am yet to find a study that says women should not take probiotics. Actually, quite the opposite. I’m not a doctor or a trained medical professional but remember to always look at the ingredients and what a product claims to do/achieve prior to purchase. Now, enough with the PSA, let’s talk about the product.

About 1.5 weeks ago, I received Advanced Probiotics from Number One Nutrition and immediately stopped taking the probiotics I had been taking, mid-bottle, and made the switch. Why? Because Number One Nutrition is a company that has earned my trust and in my home that still means something.



I already knew that probiotics are linked to decreased Yeast and Urinary Tract Infections but what I learned more recently is that probiotics are able to help in other ways. Taking two pills can benefit women; especially me!

A few years ago I underwent a gastric bypass. Since then, I have lost a great deal of weight; however, I also became lactose intolerant. As someone who LOVES cheese this is huge! I still continue to eat/drink dairy products but I get extremely sick after doing so. By taking my Number One Nutrition Advanced Probiotic I am able to “calm the storm” of dairy to a point that it is now at least tolerable and I don’t feel deathly ill after indulging in my love of everything cheddar.

Back to the weight loss, probiotics are said to play a role in eliminating abdominal fat and shrinking the waistline. This could be great for anyone who has lost a large amount of weight or women who were pregnant as well. In all actuality, it could be good for someone that has lost 10 pounds. Now, I admit that probiotics are yet to be my miracle drug but I am in it for the long haul and I’ll wait for the fat to start melting away. That aside, with the other added benefits of this supplement, it is totally worth it.

For me, these benefits alone are enough to have me hooked and vested in continuing to take a probiotic daily. BUT here are other reasons why they are great for any woman’s daily regimen. Probiotics have been shown to: reduce allergies, lower cholesterol, reduce diarrhea, reduce chronic bad breath, and reduce tooth decay. Mothers that take probiotics during pregnancy and while breast-feeding have found that it reduces colic and alleviates bloating, constipation, and gas in their babies; I’ll keep this in mind if we are lucky enough to have another baby.



So enough of the infomercial, let’s talk about the product! A daily dose of Number One Nutrition Advanced Probiotic consists of two pills. The pills aren’t small (a picture is included); however, I find them easy to swallow and they are a lot smaller than the multivitamins that I take daily. If you have difficulty taking pills, this may not be the supplement for you. The probiotic does not result in abdominal discomfort; which is good since part of their job is to aid in such occurrences.

The bottle says the product may be kept refrigerated to maximize shelf-life and potency; however, if you take the recommended dose daily that should not be necessary as this is a one month supply. At $19.99 for 60 capsules I think this is a great value for the product. Psst, we may have a coupon code for you a little further down. ;)

Here are a few things worth mentioning.

First, when I opened the bottle, I was not bowled over by the smell. Probiotics that I have taken in the past have put off a rather powerful and unpleasant smell as soon as I opened the bottle. That being said, I did move my nose closer and inhaled deeply. Don’t do that, it really does not smell great. ;)

Second, due to the type of capsule this is, it does NOT start dissolving as soon as it hits your tongue which is great. Probiotics that I have taken in the past do and that leaves a rather unpleasant aftertaste. That is NOT a problem here!

Third, the advertisement on Amazon states that this product is intended for women, men, and kids. I am always a bit hesitant when it comes to giving my daughter anything other than her daily vitamin so I looked into this a bit further. The bottle itself says, “Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should contact a physician before using this or any other dietary supplement.” I feel that statement is more accurate and on point than what the advertisement on Amazon states.

Due to my past experience with Number One Nutrition and my current experience with the Advanced Probiotic I am comfortable in recommending this to anyone who is looking to achieve “gut health” and bring “balance” to other areas of their life.

For additional information or to purchase Number One Nutrition Advanced Probiotic, simply click the Amazon button below.

BUT WAIT… before you order, be sure to take 30% OFF your order by applying coupon code: OLW9QPFT at checkout.

Let’s break that down, shall we? Normally 60 capsules costs $19.99. However, when you take 30% off ($6.00) that brings the price down to $13.99. You can’t beat that!



Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted rate to facilitate this review. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own. Please note that I am not a medical professional, as with any medication or supplement it is recommended that you consult your doctor and use as directed. This post may contain affiliate links.

1 comment

lissa crane April 27, 2015 - 6:28 am
I have heard so much about probiotics, and reading this review makes me feel like I definitely need to start taking them! As I get older my stomach can't take what it used to, this just might put me back on track!

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