We hear it all the time… Smoking is bad for you. If you don’t quit you’re going to die or end up with cancer. I know it’s the truth, I could see how many would become “numb” to hearing about how horrible smoking is. Really, it’s a horrible habit and smoker know it. Many are struggling with quitting.
Rather thn focusing on why one should quit something, I want to share with you a few reasons parents should quit smoking. Not only for health reasons, but others as well. Anyone who has or does smoke knows that kicking the habit is hard and required willpower. In the end that’s only half the battle, it’s longer term something you’ll deal with forever. Now don’t let that scare you off, the word forever can be scary. What are some reasons parents should quit smoking? Here’s several reasons parents should quit smoking.
Health – I will not put too much focus on this, it is the most important reason, but also one that anyone who smokes has heard and thought about so many times it doesnt’ bother then anymore.
Quitting the healing starts quickly – Did you know that it only takes 20 minutes for your body to start to feel some benefits of being smoke free. Those benefits do nothing but continue to grow every week, day, hour, and second you’re smoke free. So when you’re thinking about lighting up, remember one smoke can put you right back where you started. Don’t do it!
Keeping your children smoke free – Keeping your child smoke free is important to most parents. Even if you don’t smoke in the house it’s likely your children have been exposed to cigarette smoke.
Most parents don’t want their children to pick up the habit – Did you know that children with parents that smoke are much more likely to pick up the habit?
Get active with your kids – Most parents want to be there for their children, hand out with them, ride bikes, play games, toss the ball, maybe coach their sports team. You want to be able to breath don’t you?
You want to be around – Most parents want to be there when their children graduate college, get married, have children, etc. Why chance it, smoking isn’t worth a even chancing not being there for you children.
Kids get scared and worry – Most schools teach children about smoking cigarettes and tell them how bad it is and that it can even kill you. I don’t know this for sure, but I am 90% sure most children get scared when they learn about smoking and know their parents smoke. I say this because I was a child to a smoking mom and dad, it scared the hell out of me.
Because they asked you to – Most children will ask you to stop smoking. There’s your reason it’s our job as parents to be there for our children. They are asking they question because they care, they are scared, and because they want to know mom and/or dad is going to be around.
You cannot smoke anywhere anymore anyway – There’s very little places that think about smokers anymore. If you decide to take a family vacation, there’s very little places that allow smoking. Smoking sections have become less and less.
In the end we all know smoking is bad for us, and I do understand how hard it is to kick the habit. There’s 10,000 reasons not to smoke and not one good reason to smoke.
Have you ever thought about kicking the habit using and E-Cigarette? Have you even heard of an Electronic Cigarette (e-cigarette)? You can learn about it at ECirgarettes365.com. They have videos, testimonials, brand overview, user rating and reviews, and E-Cigarette Review – Why They Work.
According to a survey conducted in October of 2012 by the electronic cigarette review website eCigarettes365.com found that 92% of users feel better and that they have the support of their friends and families. 74% of vapor cigarette users also stated that the switch saves them money over buying traditional tobacco cigarettes. The findings of this survey are also supported by many testimonials posted by visitors of the review website.
I have never tried the Electric Cigarette, but it sounds pretty awesome. It’s a battery oprated device that allows people to inhale and exhale a vapor nicotine The tip of the E-Cigarette has an LED light which simulates a glow. When you smoke the E-Cigarette you’re inhaling and exhaling vapor rather than smoke. The vapor delivers nicotine that your body is craving, and the E-Cigarette is much like a traditional cigarette to you feel as if you’re smoking too. They also offer different flavors of e-cigarettes.
Whether you are working to quit smoking or looking for an alternative to smoking you’re going to save money for sure. BIG money, cigarettes are not cheap. E-Cigarettes cost about $6 – $10 and can last as long as 1 pack of traditional cigarettes.
If you’ve tried everything with no success you might want to give the e-cigarette a try. You can find a wealth of information at ECigarette365.com. They have tons of reviews, ratings, and brand comparing, as well as buying information. Even if you don’t completely stop smoking with the e-cigarette it could be a nice starts and worth trying. You never know where something can take you until you give it an honest try.
If you want to learn more about the Electronic Cigarette be sure to check out ECigarette365.com.